July 24, 2009


~Ichiro san, yoru wa anata no yume o shimasu~ 

Ichiro has always been really sexy in my mind. He was probably the only pro-athlete that I ever knew of  besides Beckham). 
But Ichiro Suzuki is a serious item of national pride!! That man is an  god in Japan!
I just saw him on TV and I remembered how much I liked him. 
Damn sexy piece of ass right there! And right before he gets ready to swing, he pulls his sleeve back...
There is no Japanese man that is sexier than Ichiro (well, maybe the Oyakatasama is sexier, with his magnificent chola eyebrows!) but still, Ichiro is so fine~~

July 19, 2009

Crunchy Frog.

"As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness." ~Henry David Thoreau~

chew on that crunchy frog, why dont you. 

July 17, 2009

Loca Camera Whore.

After everyone ditched me...I was bored and when photobooth crazy!

my Baby Jesus and Mother MaryJane

Biting-Cheeks syndrome

Sexs on daikon-ashi!!!!!

Just for Princess Angel <3
"I'm willing LORD!!"

"Kiss me you fooL!"

Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition!!!

on further note:

PTL LOL, Praise the lord Lots of Love!

My Flawed Japan...*sigh*

Why didn't any of the teachers at Go-sho and many other schools disagree with us performing for the students? Our entire show was preaching! Doesn't Japan have some Constitutional thing separating Church and State in some way? I know for a fact that they do. How could those teachers, and even those students not be disturbed by the stories of Jesus and the "true meaning of Christmas" and all that bullshit???
Mary had some kind of English teaching gig at our school, which means she must have been getting payed by governmental money from the schools budget. Yet there she was, preaching away to helpless little Japanese kids. How could HORIKOSHI sensei stand for such non sense.
I remember dancing one christmas and creepy Ishii kochousensei with the creepy grin was standing right there through the whole 50 minutes class where we did chi-bi chan, and Mary did a whole preachy bit. How could that not have felt wrong to his conservative mind??
I know that if any hired teacher did that at my school I would have no shame in ripping them another asshole. I would be very disturbed if I were a parent and my tax payer's money was being funneled into some person (without a sufficient education...a high school drop out, very likely an illegal immigrant, and didn't even have the proper credentials to teach children) who would then bring her uneducated children to preach some bullshit religion.
I can't even imagine WHY any school system would allow that? even in the slightly reformed Tokyo.
At the time I would never have thought about such a thing, and I haven't in years...but then all of a sudden I realized how uncomfortable it must have been for all those teachers to stand by and watch as my own father, other questionable participants, and I beat down their entire nations constitutional rules.
I am partially amazed at our own stupidity, and the stupidity of the teachers, but mostly I'm amazed at the Japanese society and traditions that demands that their citizens not react in any way to a disturbance. Their own systems tells them to politely stand by and watch as foreigners attempt to convert the children.
Such a shame...

July 16, 2009

Oooh the pain of rejection and Abandonment.

I'm normally a very tough girl. I've had a fairly unique life with it's own ups and mostly downs. Therefore I know how to handle myself in teary situations.

I dunno, something about being rejected and abandoned seriously gets to me.

I had plans to go see Harry Potter with some of my closest friends. And, because I haven't seen them in a while, I was really really looking forward to it (plus the possibility of see Voldie Voldemortis totally got me excited!!). They of course HAD to flake on me because their oh so pressing lives just needed their extreme attention.

okay, fuck you, but still, Im fine. Things like this happen all the time I'm used to it.

Its Alysha's birthday on Saturday, but I'm not really going to be able to see her, so I decided to make a cake for her, Sharon says she's coming over. So I make an exquisite "Molten Chocolate Cake with a Raspberry Glaze served with a Dollop of Whip cream" one of my own creations, and stick a pizza in the oven.
I'm laying out on the pool when Sharon calls me three hours later to tell me that they aren't going to make it. Seriously? Well of course I try to stay cool, the calm and collected person that I am...but that really hurt.

I kinda lost it. Here I was, Abandoned by 4+ people, with a massive Molten Chocolate Cake with a Raspberry Glaze served with a Dollop of Whip cream and a large pizza, feeling utterly heart broken. I guess when your rejected by the people that are closest to you it hurts more. That, and the pain of not being able to see Dumbledore and Voldemort get it on in I-fucking-MAX!!!!
I'm not that tough, especially when it comes to people I love leaving me. Ooooh the issues with rejection, abandonment, commitment, and the list goes on and on and on and...seriously, will the fucking list ever stop!!!????

Sucks. Whatever. Those bitches can rot in hell while I feast on Molten Chocolate Cake with a Raspberry Glaze served with a Dollop of Whip Cream for all I care....I know...eating disorder.

but at least I ate OUTSIDE!!!! buwahahahaha.

here is a sexy pic of VOLDEMORT!

"DUMBLEDORE COMETH!!!!"...can someone draw a penis for him?? He looks hungry!

July 12, 2009

Dog Sitting

I'm leaving for Tatiana's today. Dog sitting for a whole month with every luxury I could possibly need.

It's going to be awesome.

I've packed up all my shit and I'm amusing myself with singing Donovan songs to the tune of "Zachius was a wee little man..." weird...

I;m leaving and it's going to be so goooood!.