October 24, 2009


*Linsay Price is so pretty~ and Asian**
I think that I've been identifying more and more with being Asian. And its interesting that I've never felt like I was Asian until I came here. It was weird to be classified as Asian when my whole life I've been considered white.

Its also interesting that in Japan, although race was a big issue, it wasn't really something that was so in your face. Because most of the population is pure Japanese, there is a lot of under laying discrimination. But in America, its so in your face. EVery one is different here and people are classified in different categories. And the whole thing about racism is that it affects so many people. In Japan, you could make fun of Mexicans because you would never see any or didnt know any. Here, its different. In Japan, race is an idea. In America its real.

So Im proud to be a minority. I like my Asian self, and I like my white self. Im not one or the other, I'm just both.

I've been watching way too much Tyra.

October 19, 2009

Beatniks are out to make it RICH!


What troubles me most about these messed up families (i.e. John+Kate, Octomom, Balloon boy family) Is what kind of awful shit the children have to go through! Combined number of children of those 3 families is 8+14+3=25!!! THats like an army of poor helpless children that suffer at the hands of their fame-whoring parents. STOP HAVING SO MANY DAMN KIDS!!!

OH! I forgot about the Duggard family! That bitch has got to stop popping them out! 8+14+3+19!=44! WTF!??

44 children that will grow up and be forever know as being the children of "Those terrible people"

I feel sorry for Octomom's kids.!! THose poor babies!

Moral of the story: Stop these fame-whores for the children's sake, and don't ever have that many kids! Don't have children because the world is already full of idiots and why would you want to hurt your poor little unborn baby by bringing it into this world!? Its worse than abortions!

Okay. back to reality.

Im a lumberjack

...and I'm okay.

I wish everyone on earth used credit cards to pay for things. Its so easy. I just swipe the thing though the machine and it gets money. With cash, I have to use math! What the hell is 4.38-3.23? I have no idea!!! next time you pay for something, remember the poor uneducated person behind the register, and think about how I can't do math, and whip out that credit card!! THey will thank you in heaven .

Okay, must get back to studying the concept of the state of nature and Hobbesian vs. Lockean theories!!! DAMN ECONOMICS!!!

October 16, 2009

the face

this is my face. lick it.

Your life is a polka dot

SOUTH PARK was right! Chipotle totally makes you crap blood.

**THose are chilis up there**

October 13, 2009

Crows are Black

"If you cry, you will get wet."

I work in the art room at school during lunch sometimes and the Christian Club meets there too. Its so funny listening to these guys read the Bible and sing and pray. So I asked them to try and convert me. The second I start asking questions, they freak out and pray for my soul.

a hilarious example of simple ignorance.

ahahaha....Laugh out loud.

October 8, 2009

1st Day

1st day at work. A fashionable LA restaurant/boutique literally 3 seconds away from my apartment!!! It was fun but it was really tiring. The my coworkers are really cool.

heres a song to brighten your sad little day!~

October 4, 2009

Shame on you Hollywood

Thank you Governator for having a slightly functioning brain!

Shame on you brilliant filmmakers petitioning to pardon a rapist. Roman Polanski, however brilliant and artistic he may be, deserves to be punished for what he did. He is a disgusting pedophille rapist, who drugged a 13 year old girl and then raped her multiple times. He does not deserve any kind of pardon.
"He's a brilliant guy, and he made a little mistake 32 years ago." is what one film maker said of Polanski! A LITTLE mistake!? Seriously? So it's ok to rape and drug underage girls-for that matter anyone-because it happened 32 years ago?

Forget it! Shame on you, Woody Allen, Martin Scorsese (I love you but how could you!?) , Adrien Brody, Brett Ratner and anyone else who is standing behind this pervert. His art and his pedophillic ways are two different things! One can't justify the other. Chinatown, Rosemary's Baby, and the Pianist are some of my favorite movies! But he still raped that girl!!!

The Governator and I say OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!

Chesnut Park

THis one time I was being rebellious during "we dont go to school and have nothing better to do with our time but run around and climb trees" -time with mommy dearest, I decided to sleep out on the grass. I heard someone whistling trying to tickle my stomach and I screamed out "GET AWAY FROM ME MELINDA!!!!"

turns out it was actually this little retarded kid. I freaked out.

Just thot I'd share one of my retarded kid stories. I know Ang has a lot of them.

Gullibility...is that a word?

Why are people so gullible? I mean, isn't it in our nature to question our actions, so how can some people just follow so blindly to what their told? How can some people just...lead themselves to the slaughter house without stopping and saying "Wait a second, what the hell am I doing?"
I question myself everyday, on almost every single thing that I do. Doesn't it bother you to think that some people are just so stupid that they can't even think for themselves?

Wow, the world sucks.

October 3, 2009

The Answer...

You think you have answers, but you really dont. No on does. Do not be fooled by the people who claim to know things. They dont.The only truth of life is that there is no truth.
You make your own. You make your own answers.