May 29, 2008

Juliet, when we made love you used to cry...

That would be weird....

Lost Season Finale TONIGHT!!!!

oh, and Weeds is coming back for a new season June 16th!

May 28, 2008


I really hate it when idiots try to pretend like they're into politics. Especially when they dont even know what they;re talking about. Like, for instance, they have no idea about what they stand for they just go for the side thats "Christian"
...sound familiar? I've always thought that was weird.

I remember when Bush first got elected (dont get me wrong I know nothing about politics) but we were watching it on TV and Dad turned to me and said
"See that guy with the white hair? He's a Christian."
Then someone else came up and shouted "AMEN! PREACH IT BROTHER! Sock it to them! Change AMERICA for the better!!!!"
They are still saying that till this very day.
okay...I'm freaking myself out! I'm sure alot of you know what I'm talking about.

What I also dont like is when people call Spunge Bob gay. um...hello! HE'S A FUCKING SPUNGE!!!

May 25, 2008

March of the Emos

Sooo...I thot it was really interesting when I heard that My Chemical Romance is going to be marching in London protesting some bad media they got...
sound weird to you? Apparently, as seen on amanda's blog, they represent some sort of suiside cult. And I just thot, amanda must really want to fly out to London right about now, because this "march of the emos" is happening on May 31st!!!

dude, get your ass over there, you have to march for what you KNOW is right!!! Svae the emos! Save the world! Emos have rights! yada yada ya. yup. sure they do.

how crazy is that? I mean, jesus, just becuz someone calls you emo and some sort of suicide cult doesn't mean you have to go march for your rights, I mean, if Britney Spears did that everytime the media called her a slut, she'd be marching 24/7


My Lab rat

I bought the cutest little thing yesterday. I was out with my friend Mona and we decided to get a mouse! sooooo cute!
my mouse is so tiny and white and cute and fury and sweet and everything else that a little white mouse could possibly be. I just hope I dont get bored of it and give to Alysha to feed to her cat.... that might happen.

anyways, Mona wanted to name it something Japanese so she's like "we have to name it Kyoto." I said it was a weird name but yeah, I have a mouse named Kyoto!

I never thot I'd like to have a mouse for a pet.

Mary Jane

Why do I always get shit for my name???
Before in Japan it was "Mary Jane on my mind" which isn;t bad, but when some creepy old guy says it to you its terrible. Thats why I used to call myself Mari sometimes because it's just so god aweful to have to hear every single person say the same thing.

Now, even tho things are different, I'm still getting all kinds of crap for my name. And I'll say this, even tho it's a fairly common name, I'm the only goddamn person in the school with that name!!!! isn't that weird? You;d think, i mean, this is california, that there would be people with the name "mary jane' but oooh no, I happen to be the only one with the glorious name.

Not that I'm complaining, all these really cute guys are coming up to me asking about my name and I cant complain about that. sweeet.

so whenever I tell someone my name here, they give this little smirk and say: "Mary Jaaaaane" yeah, yeah, just like that Jesse dude.
or if they happen to be a bit younger they say, "wow, like spiderman's girlfriend. You know, you kinda look like her"
I hear that like everyday.

god, at least my name isn't that embarassing.

May 22, 2008

Cave In

i see this fucking survey on everyone's blogs. its driving me insane!!! I HAVE TO DO IT! I'm sorry.

Do you get along better with guys or girls?
neither. i have a hard time relating to humanity. uh...what category is hermapherdite?
If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
I hate people who dont speak their minds.
Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes?
Yeah I guess...joke dont smoke, amen?
Last person you texted?
Mona, we're going out this friday
Do you like shows like Forensic Files and Unsolved Mysteries?
I dont know about forensics..lets see, never liked the CSIs or any of those other shows. But unsolved mysteries, I watch Lost. Does that count?
Do you prefer to take showers at night or in the morning?
at night, although i should start taing more showers, ppl are always telling me that I stink!
List people you were/are best friends with
...Mean, mean, me
ang imagenary friend (named Kay) hehehehe
Name the best people who could cheer you up?
brad Pitt
Have you been to New York City?
Thats next on my list
Who is the last person you added to your contacts list in your phone? My phone was stolen by a crazy bus driver lady that probably isn't even a bus driver because she thinks that she drives the bus that passes Burton and Doheny at 7:04. well, guess what missy? There's no such bus! ARG!
Do you have any expensive jewelery?
Tifany's and Co.
who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
"Hello, this is Mr. Baisly from the Beverly Hills High school, we would like to inform you that..." something like that.
Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
My mother never told me which one was the opposite sex
Heard any really great quotes lately?
"the time is now 11:04 PM"
Do you think you have made a difference in anyone's life?
Believe it or not..I might be changing your life right now!
Do you remember the name of the first school you ever went to?
Yeah, i guess. It was a great school, i just never knew we were suppose to learn something there.
Have/would you ever tattooed anyones name on you?Totally. I love all that tacky tatto shit. oh, im probably gunna get one soon.
What is the name of your siblings best friend?
idiot #1
idiot #2
What's the most appealing thing about the opposite sex?
outward appearances.
Which year has been the best so far?Im kicking ass this year.
Ever found more than a dollar/pound in a random place?
yeah sure, in some ones wallet. not exactly random but yeah, i found it!
Has anyone ever been more important to you than a family member?
Last time you smiled!
i dont really eep track of those things
Last text message in your inbox?
"check out the cool picture of the rabbit and tiger in love!"
Whens your next road trip?
I wish I could say this summer...!
Would you cry if you found out you were pregnant?
Where is your phone?
In some bus driver's pants!
Do you think your current pets will be alive ten years from now?
Never had pets
When was your last bubble bath?
last...decade ago
Do you know anyone by the name of Dennis?
he commited suicide two days ago. totally kidding who in their right mind would name their kid dennis??
Where is your pet right now?
What color phone do you have?
I used to have a phone that was ilver and black!
How many kids do you want to have?
I'm going to adopt a czechoslovakian baby. and then a lithuanian one, so that two?
What outfit do you have on at this exact moment?
blac shirt, white undies.
What color are your eyes?
honey brown
What are you doing tomorrow?
Do you know someone who likes you?
Yeah, this dude in my math class is totally crunching on me!
Does a heartbreak feel as bad as it sounds?
My heart breaks for the people suffering in africa.
What color is your hair? Its getting lighter thanks to L'oreal
What are things you hate losing?
I hate losing. period and i mean business
Have you eaten popcorn in the past 48 hours?
Have you ever been in handcuffs? never
If you could say anything to any one person what would it be?
Keep it real

Jesus Chrsit

Im going to be alone in the house for a whole week! this will be terrifying...i just finished watching 3 movies. Some old western with Russel Crowe in it. oh and Leonardo dicaprio, he was soooo cute back in the gilbert grape days. aw, so cute. bad movie...and the Silence of the Lambs.
Ang, you should watch Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, i thot it was funny and it has Robert Downey Jr. in it.

yeah, Im going to have to go to a meeting for my addiction to movies and oler men.

forget that last comment, none of you guys wil get it.

May 20, 2008

You look like a Rabbit..

 I decided that I'm going to lose weight (yeah, I know I say this every single day to myself, but this time, I'm dead fucking serious)!!! Now that I have my much wanted belly bling, I'm going to get toned abs

I need to lose weight by the summer, especially if theres a chance of going to Europe. So that's what;s up. 
oh yeah, and

MARI: "Look at the stars, see how they shine for you! My skin is yellow!


thats about it. cheers

May 19, 2008

Tyra f-ing Banks

I swear to god, I didn't intentionally draw mz. tyra banks. I wasn;t even thinking of her when I drew this. I was actually thinking of the dreadful algebra quiz thats going to be happening tomorrow and how I would definatly fail, and voila! Tyra banks just appears out of no where.

must be tyra banks' spirit helper/demon working through me! wowie! nyahahahaha

what do you think?

May 18, 2008

For you I'd Bleed Myself Dry.

It's funny, but I think Chris Martin, the singer in Coldplay is retarded. check out any one of his interviews or even his music videos. it's so weird. i of all people should know when people are retards and this guy....

he's a really talented guy, and his songs are brilliant, but yeah....see for yourself. its crazy.

either that, or he's on some kinda illegal substance.

i only posted this cuz I fell in love with their song, Yellow and then I got creeped out becuz I saw the music video. 

May 12, 2008

Iron Man

For those of you who have not yet seen this extrodinary movie. GO SEE IT!!!

probably the best super hero movie EVER!! i was holding my breath the whole time. heads up, theres no spandex or latex suits involved, but the iron man outfit is soooo sexy. Never thot Id actually admit that.

And Robert Downey Jr. is incredibly sexy! WHo would have guessed...?

theres this scene where he's pounding away to the music, all sweaty and oooooooh! do i really need to say more??

Ang, you have to see it in the theater its so good!

May 11, 2008

She is

I have to do some serious soul searching. I realized that I have no idea who MaryJane is. I have no idea. It's a complete mystery to me.
I'm also trying to make some career choosing. Yeah, it's a little early, but hey! Head start.

Whats better? Model, Actress, Rockstar, QUEEN????

May 8, 2008


I'm Buddhist. You heard me, I'm Buddhist.

We;re reading Siddhartha in English right now and damn, it's amazing.

I'm not saying I'm going to be a real Buddhist, infact the only reason why I'm becoming Buddhist is cuz I believe in all their beliefs. I believe that we need to end suffering. i believe in rebirth, I believe in spiritual nirvana. The whole shebang.

I used to think that I was a semi-atheist, not really going all the way to say that there's nothing spiritual, but at least there isn;t a "God". I still don't believe there's a God or at lease the christian god.

all that to say, I'm Buddhist.


May 6, 2008

pics from my birthday

hot ice cream cake

stare down

I'll try and find some more later

May 5, 2008

Dark Knight

This is psychotic! I love it!!!

May 3, 2008

High School

Believe it or not, they call them high school movie flicks for a reason. cuz they're about high school. and don't believe a word when people tell you that high school isn't like the movies. most of "those" people have never even set foot in a high school.

So yeah, my high school is like a movie flick. There's little groups, nerds, bad kids, good kids, cool kids, and the list goes on and on and on. cool, no???

i for one think it's fun. But there's all these kids that cry everyday cuz they don't wanna go to school . okay....

ang, tell dad that richard Dreyfuss graduated from my school

there are girls like these