February 22, 2009


KATE WINSLET FINALLY WON!!!! I'm so proud of my girl Kate, I've loved her ever since seeing Titanic and she's never let me down in any of her movies. She is an amazing actor and among the greatest actresses alove today. She's in line with Meryl Streep as the best alive and I'm so proud of her. She's been nominated like every year now and I knew that this would be her year. The Reader was one of the best movies she has ever done! Believe me, she was extreme in that movie. I'm so happy Angelina didn't win. Kate definately deserved that shiny golden naked man!!!!

The movie industry is a man's world and for Kate to be honored with an oscar just goes to the magnitude of her talent.!

SEAN PENN in Milk. I'm glad he won. Milk brought me to tears and although it didn't win best picture, Sean Penn was brilliant in it. He's amazing. Mickey Rourke was great in the Wrestler, but it didn't beat Sean Penn's performance as Harvey Milk. That was an movie that was so appropriate for our times and I just want to get all the haters together and watch it. (ehem....a certain someone...)

HEATH LEDGER for the Dark Knight, I still haven't seen that movie but if it's worth all the hype, I'm ready to say that the late and great Heath deserved it. Who your soul reencarnated into(yes, I do believe in reincarnation) that child is going to grow up to be a worthy soul of greatness.

DANNY BOYLE!!!!! is amazing. enough said.

one day I'm going to be at the awards and then ya'll can suck it!~

February 4, 2009

Twilight really does Suck!!!!

the master Stephan King confirmed it!!!!!
I knew it, I knew it all a fucking long. No matter how may little girls may disagree with him and me, Stephanie Meyer is not someone to be trusted with real literature.  
I just thought that was the funniest thing. 
 Stepahn King is one of the most famous American authors and he totally dissed this lady that every single one of those  little american girls love. He said and I quote "She can't write for shit!"
thats not exactly what he said but pretty much the same thing. he also said "J.K. Rowling is a brilliant writer!"
 For gods sake we re given the option of studying his work in school!!!
he's awesome!