Dear Mommy and Daddy,
I wish you were here to attend my back-to-school night in October. I wish you could see how well I am doing in my classes and how much the teachers like/hate me.
Oh well, carry on.
Film Reviews and random insights from a Pretentious Hipster and potential film major.
September 28, 2009
Gas prices vs. Coffee pricess

Why are people freaking out over gas prices!? What is it, like 4.99 a gallon?
I think that people should be freaking out over the Starbucks coffee prices. Have you see how much it costs? $5.00 for a cup of coffee. How much do you think it costs a gallon?
And I know what your going to say "But we need oil for fuel" well! we need coffee to fuel our bodies! Even though we need petroleum to produce plastics and what not, with out the coffee keeping everyone alert, there wouldn't even be any of those products!
So stop moaning and groaning about gas prices. I bet you spend more money on coffee a week than you do on gas. Its just the politicians way of getting you to vote for them. They get you to get stomach ulcers from freaking out over oil, then when your not looking they make you invade iraq and afganistan for "oil"
Google = Big Brother
I have it under strictest confidence that Google is reading all of my emails. They know exactly when, where, and why I will be meeting Ethan Hunt later today for a secret rondevous...concerning Angela's barbie dolls. Why?? because I wrote an emai through gmail.
I noticed this today, and I might be the last to figure it out, but on the side bar to the right, there were these advertisements advertising exactly what I was saying in my email!!!!
and so, I have come to the realization that Google is watching me. They even have satellites pointed at me in space. yikes.
But at the same time, how is it that they cant find certain individuals? such as Osama Bin Ladin? Can't google just use its awesome power rangers power to find that guy? STEVE JOBS TO THE RESCUE!!!
I noticed this today, and I might be the last to figure it out, but on the side bar to the right, there were these advertisements advertising exactly what I was saying in my email!!!!
and so, I have come to the realization that Google is watching me. They even have satellites pointed at me in space. yikes.
But at the same time, how is it that they cant find certain individuals? such as Osama Bin Ladin? Can't google just use its awesome power rangers power to find that guy? STEVE JOBS TO THE RESCUE!!!
September 27, 2009
Do not stand at my grave and weep
...I am not there I do not sleep.
Dear Family,
Should I ever get myself into a situation where you will have to "pull the plug" or should I suffer severe brain damage. Please do not hesitate to pull the plug, I will want you to.
Also, please donate ALL of my organs to deserving people. Do not give my precious organs to people who got to the top of the list because they are rich. If the recipient is rich, they are undeserving of my innerds. Make sure to track where my heart goes.
Thanks alot.
Sincerly Yours,
(this is my mini will...I'm in a dark mood)
Dear Family,
Should I ever get myself into a situation where you will have to "pull the plug" or should I suffer severe brain damage. Please do not hesitate to pull the plug, I will want you to.
Also, please donate ALL of my organs to deserving people. Do not give my precious organs to people who got to the top of the list because they are rich. If the recipient is rich, they are undeserving of my innerds. Make sure to track where my heart goes.
Thanks alot.
Sincerly Yours,
(this is my mini will...I'm in a dark mood)

...probably the only thing that I'm afraid of. I am terrified of cancer treatment. Its not the dying thats the scary part. It's that it takes monthes of suffering to get there. If anyone in my family got cancer (or if I got it) it would kill me.
Sad thing is, pretty much everything will give you cancer. The sun, plastic, Macdonalds, the microwave, medicine, pretty much everything. I was freaking out a couple of monthes ago because I got a suspicious mole on my back after an hour in the sun. I couldn't sleep for days because it looked like a malignant cancer mole!!!
1 in 4 women in America are diagnosed with breast cancer.
So, a note to my dearly beloved: don't live your life in fear of cancer. Pretty much we're all fucked in the cancer department. But if it does happen, just know that I have your back. Stay safe.
September 25, 2009
Its just fun an stupid!
an they do cool stuff like this!:
ripped off my idea of Martin dancing to it on the front lawn. :D
an they do cool stuff like this!:
ripped off my idea of Martin dancing to it on the front lawn. :D
The following is an exerpt from a report I turned in yesterday:
"Why are you all hating on Obama? Seriously, how has he ever harmed you!? He's done nothing but try to make America a better nation!!!
First of all, he is not socializing the government. And all you Rush Limbaugh listeners out there, Obama is changing America and if you can't deal with it, go hibernate in Mexico.
This whole debate about health care is ridiculous! Death panels? Socialism? Marxism? Really? Are you deaf, or just plain stupid? Do you even understand his policy on Health care reform? Have you heard his proposition, because I heard it and I didn't hear a single word of socialism or marxism.
Have you ever thought that making an investment for health care now will benefit us in the future? and Yeah you'll possibly pay more taxes, but who cares? You'll be happy and healthy and what really matters beides that?
I personally love the idea of a public option. Competition for the private businesses will do everyone good.
And stop hating on Obama because he's black and uber sexy! And better yet, flip the channel to Anderson Cooper and get more doses of sexiness and smartness! SEXY OVERLOAD!
Actually I figured out what the conspiracy behind Obama's majorness and realized the unevitable!!! He IS the ANTICHRIST and...wait for it, but he's controlled by Jay-Z and Beyonce. They control the earth. Listen to "Run this Town" backwords and the words of the prophet will be revealed.

I'm actually serious about that! "
I would have turned that in, had it not been too contraversial and revealing!
September 24, 2009
Pretty People
Woah, how annoying is it when fortunate people complain about what they have. Sure, its in everyone's nature to want to be unhappy because being unhappy is easy!! But still!
Like when celebrities talk about the hardships of being a billionaire. "I'm chased around all day by paparrazzi! Sooo much pressure! I'm shriveling!!!" Oh please, shut the hell up and go get plastic surgery or something!
Or when rich people complain about their problems, or worse when they complain about how poor people make their lives "difficult"!
But the worst by far is when good looking people talk about the hardships of being beautiful! Its the worst because we all know a good looking person or two who complain about their "flaws"
somebody call the waaaaa-mbulance!
WARNING!!!! This video will make you depressed:
Like when celebrities talk about the hardships of being a billionaire. "I'm chased around all day by paparrazzi! Sooo much pressure! I'm shriveling!!!" Oh please, shut the hell up and go get plastic surgery or something!
Or when rich people complain about their problems, or worse when they complain about how poor people make their lives "difficult"!
But the worst by far is when good looking people talk about the hardships of being beautiful! Its the worst because we all know a good looking person or two who complain about their "flaws"
somebody call the waaaaa-mbulance!
WARNING!!!! This video will make you depressed:
September 19, 2009
Mail Order Bride
September 14, 2009

Its sometimes depressing to see everything I don't like about myself.
(fat neck, double chin, small boobs, flat nose, squinty eyes, big cheeks, etc. etc.)
Then I look at Sharon and how pretty she is
Why weren't the genes distributed evenly? Why would one sister be extremely gorgeous and the others....well the others be less than mediocre!!!??? Damn stem cells. This is all your fault. If only you have been made into pretty cells during differentiation, I would be a beautiful princess. I hate you stem cells. You cant even do good things like growing organs in a petri dish. The only good you serve is taking the skin from my ass and putting it on my face. How could you not have simply thought of just becoming pretty cells?
A pox on you and your family.
Another reason why life's not fair.
September 3, 2009
The Blind leading the Blind

Recently, I've lost faith in mankind. It's strange. In my AP Economics class with Mr. Hinojosa (who by the by is mucho sexy!) I realized that everything we put ourselves through is so petty. It really means nothing. We just all have to abide by the "rules" set up by people from generations before us. I mean, every single decision that's made today is all compared to an idea of what is socially acceptable.
It's depressing.
Everyone has to base their entire life off of what everyone else is doing. It's sad to think that I have to seek a higher education in order to get a higher paying job in order to provide for my family. Not because I want it to be that way, but because some person billions of years ago decided that that was the way it's going to be.
Life would be just fine if everyone just made their own decisions based on the options that nature has given us. But thanks to mankind, my beautiful earth is fucked to hell and there's no going back.
It's just so hard for me to understand the rational behind all it. Why?
Thankfully, I've devised a plan of an alternative lifestyle. When I'm finally fed up with all you people, I'm moving away to a rain forrest somewhere where I will live in simplicity the way nature intended human beings to. People who complain about life being so complicated, guess what? You brought it on yourself. You decided to be void of personality and run with the flow of society.
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