September 3, 2009

The Blind leading the Blind

Recently, I've lost faith in mankind. It's strange. In my AP Economics class with Mr. Hinojosa (who by the by is mucho sexy!) I realized that everything we put ourselves through is so petty. It really means nothing. We just all have to abide by the "rules" set up by people from generations before us. I mean, every single decision that's made today is all compared to an idea of what is socially acceptable.
It's depressing.
Everyone has to base their entire life off of what everyone else is doing. It's sad to think that I have to seek a higher education in order to get a higher paying job in order to provide for my family. Not because I want it to be that way, but because some person billions of years ago decided that that was the way it's going to be.
Life would be just fine if everyone just made their own decisions based on the options that nature has given us. But thanks to mankind, my beautiful earth is fucked to hell and there's no going back.
It's just so hard for me to understand the rational behind all it. Why?

Thankfully, I've devised a plan of an alternative lifestyle. When I'm finally fed up with all you people, I'm moving away to a rain forrest somewhere where I will live in simplicity the way nature intended human beings to. People who complain about life being so complicated, guess what? You brought it on yourself. You decided to be void of personality and run with the flow of society.


ang said...

aw baby i really do feel the same way.

Unknown said...


i wrote it about you .