...probably the only thing that I'm afraid of. I am terrified of cancer treatment. Its not the dying thats the scary part. It's that it takes monthes of suffering to get there. If anyone in my family got cancer (or if I got it) it would kill me.
Sad thing is, pretty much everything will give you cancer. The sun, plastic, Macdonalds, the microwave, medicine, pretty much everything. I was freaking out a couple of monthes ago because I got a suspicious mole on my back after an hour in the sun. I couldn't sleep for days because it looked like a malignant cancer mole!!!
1 in 4 women in America are diagnosed with breast cancer.
So, a note to my dearly beloved: don't live your life in fear of cancer. Pretty much we're all fucked in the cancer department. But if it does happen, just know that I have your back. Stay safe.
Its fine cuz the time u do get full blown cancer you'll be like 30 and by then there will be lots and lots of ways to treat it. Maybe even a pill
anyone can get cancer...
but if they make some medicine for it it'll just evolve and get stronger. thats EVOLUTION in action
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