January 2, 2011


Another year over.
I'm really excited for this year. For once in my life my New Years resolution (not that I ever really made one seriously) isn't "to lose weight" or "learn more bible versus" ....obviously they never meant much to me.

THis year I'm just living life, whatever way I see fit. Yup, only 2 more years till the world comes to an end (2012 is on its way. Just incase you don't know whats going to happen in 2012 go watch the movie. Its ALL TRUE!!) and I think everyday should be lived to hte fullest.

I'm not going to be pressured into doing anything I dont want to do.

Happy New Year, I hope this next one is better than the last! and its gunna be awesome. <3


Navid Shirazi said...

You`re a total bitch, but I like you.

Citizen Kandy Kane is a great blog title.

I`ve never met you, but I`ve met your dad, and he always finds some excuse to get away from me.

Maybe I`m an insufferable bore. I have no idea.

So. You think the world is going to end on 12/21/12, do you?

Well, if you do, then you can blame exactly THIS man: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLCsEnbi2oM&feature=PlayList&p=9BD72FC8C2B70C87&index=0

Terence McKenna.

He`s a total asshole. That 2012 thing was his idea.

He also taught the world how to grow shrooms.

But he`s already dead, so blaming him won`t help.

He says that you should smoke weed and eat 5 grams of dried shrooms, and lay down in silent darkness and ride out the trip.

Such an experience might perhaps... not be good for you.

Don`t listen to this asshat, either: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYNaDcYGaeI&feature=related

Although, Joe Rogan does make the point that the most potent psychedelic known is produced in your brain every day.

So, maybe everyone is just at some level of tripping.

All the time.


I shouldn`t be typing this right now.

I must be boring the crap out of you.

That`s illegal in California, isn`t it?

People get arrested for being boring.

Well, I don`t want to contravene the legislative statutes, now do I?

MJ said...


Been there. Done that.

ang said...

its a terro!!