January 23, 2011

Dating bullshit.

**I love Jeggings*

Why are there specific rules to abide by when you're dating? Its like you have to put on this persona when you're dating because what? You're scared whoever this loser is might see who you really are? And by you, of course I mean me, and by loser I mean...loser.

Whatevs. I'm not going to pretend to be this perfect girl, who ever that may be. I'm not going to laugh at your jokes if they're not funny, I'm not going eat a salad if I'm hungry for tacos, I'm not going have a diet soda when what I want is a beer, and I'm definitely not PRETENDING to be hard to get.

Its not a game.

I'm not a Stepford wife or a sorority girl (I told this sorority girl I was pagan and she said, "Don't you miss eating meat?" Pagan honey, not vegan.) I'm crass,I'm weird, I have a fucked up sense of humor, and I dress like an out-of-towner.

I wish I could say I was the bitch with the skinny legs. I'm not.

Anyways, this is all sounding very egotistical and critical. I'm going to go focus on my breathing while thinking about unicorns and waterlilies. Ta.


ang said...

oooh are you going out with someone? omg i hate how ppl think their something wrong with single ppl.

MaryJane said...

I went on a shitty date. Thats why I don't date. Its no fun anyway.

Mariann said...


Amanda Rudow said...

THAT'S why you don't date? Because you happen to date the occasional failure? Please. Dating is fucking awesome, and like anything it's all just trial and error.

Sides, you could have anyone you wanted. You just gotta stop picking the assholes, is all. Not that I can talk, I usually go for the assholes.