October 4, 2009

Shame on you Hollywood

Thank you Governator for having a slightly functioning brain!

Shame on you brilliant filmmakers petitioning to pardon a rapist. Roman Polanski, however brilliant and artistic he may be, deserves to be punished for what he did. He is a disgusting pedophille rapist, who drugged a 13 year old girl and then raped her multiple times. He does not deserve any kind of pardon.
"He's a brilliant guy, and he made a little mistake 32 years ago." is what one film maker said of Polanski! A LITTLE mistake!? Seriously? So it's ok to rape and drug underage girls-for that matter anyone-because it happened 32 years ago?

Forget it! Shame on you, Woody Allen, Martin Scorsese (I love you but how could you!?) , Adrien Brody, Brett Ratner and anyone else who is standing behind this pervert. His art and his pedophillic ways are two different things! One can't justify the other. Chinatown, Rosemary's Baby, and the Pianist are some of my favorite movies! But he still raped that girl!!!

The Governator and I say OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!


ang said...

ew! thoes people need to think about what it would be like for someone raping and drugging their daughters. I told you i hated LA

ang said...

why is it that you can vent about whatever you want and the second i start talking about my job you turn the clod shoulder? I NEED to fucking vent too ya know!!!

mj said...

Because I talk about important issues that not only affect me, but others around me. I never said you can't vent all you want!!! Your job is just boring~

Roman Polanski deserves to rott in hell!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Hell yeah Jane! Now were thinkin outside the oxy boxy mornic moron huge box of whatever. Its coming down...so just chop of the head thats fine, The huge huge golden head or its a head for sure But youve got legs, so lets grow....Cause thats what im concerned with....for my damn self. I need to walk, run, hunt, gather, fish, swim, swim, swim, FlIGHT! So when I walk down my Damned Street I need to know that that run this town video....I want to be scared out of my DAMNED MIND!!!! The wicked witch of the west is chasing me! Your getting your resources from one place where you can contribue, everythings fine, you can say whatever you want...if one of your sisters doesnt like it, slapping and stuff that is fine...totally normal, hillarious even...I mean, just know what means business...Like maybe joey...What is everyone so afraid of...like if angela is such a heinous bitch, its not like shes gonna hit us...its gonna be so funny, then everyone will understand, that you have got to be behind your dad 1000 ten billion quadruple drillion, gaziilllion, gaziliion percent. So dont freak out if some dirty l;aundry shit gets aired out...cause thats my favorutie thing to do anyway..Thats like one of those ladida, I will go and fetch the water type chores, So eveyone chillax....I have the water....Vent Shent hent bent kent sent...its fine....vent all you want, I dont know about your heinous little village, but you aint running my town, If you wanna have one or two nights, well talk about it, Someones head is being chopped off, A really nice symbolic head, it would be a damned shame if that happened

Boelyn., Carolyn, Haevyn,

dont chop of heads just yet, just find ouut where you can rellocate it...
King Henry is thinking about it....
Hes really really really been wanting to do it............
So give him soem time, and let him enjoy the......peace for one second....

Anonymous said...

Dont associate with certain types of people, dont go to certain areas, consider all you have is your vicky...

And your office, in one little cell phone. and all these freaking papers that you collect, you want them...stay calm...

And if you want to do all that hair and makeup in that same bag shit...that one bag....my god girl, can you do it??

Just dont shave off all your eyebrows just yet...yawn....

And a few hygiene things which is an absolute necessity...

I really dont know if you can do it....

Heres an insane idea carrry a nice shopping bag, with all those damn papes that you collect all day long, like all those other japanese girls...shopping bag, i just bougth it...

People who carry breifcases??? Its heinously masculine... so eightes......stolen...

Cereal Stalker said...

Wow who is that oxy boxy moronic moron leaving those Insane comments...they must be seriously retarted...