Ooooh God, it makes me soooo happy to know that I am actually good at something. I was basically wrapped up in nerves ever since my audition on Tuesday ( I did a piece from Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre and Theresa Rebeck's Abstract Expressions) when Mr. B my awesome Drama, teacher said one thing after my monologues "Where were you before you came to Beverly?" So I told him Japan...I was wondering for 3 days whether he meant it in a "I just want to know" type of way or the "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE" type of way. I hope he meant the former.
Now that I can breathe, I am really proud of myself. There are 2,500 kids that go to my high school and they all live in Beverly Hills where they have the opportunity of being actors. I mean, a lot of celebrity's children go to my school and it also has a large actors alumni. It's crazy. Angelina Jolie, Richard Dreyfus, David Schwimmer, Nicholas Cage... just to name drop a few...Wink Wink, nodge, nodge.
And of all those people, I was one of the few that were selected to be in the actors class!!! Thank you Zeus. Now let me bask in my awesome happiness and I will tell you when I'm in the Fall Play. Ooooh I'm so excited! I love it here!!! I might actually have a chance at doing something that comes totally naturally to me...being on stage!!
Here's a picture of my trophy and certificate that I got at the Theater Department awards. Thanks Beverly~

crazy eyes!

good girl!
WAY TOO AWESOME!!! gambatte!
thanks guys
WOwowow, awesome~~
MARY JANE?? you disappear and i found out you're in beverley hills? acting?? WOWW!!! im soo impressed! congrats you!!
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