June 18, 2009

Look what I found!

I got bored and search 2-30-11 mitakashi, inokarisha, Tokyo-to, Japan on Google earth and found that it is now a student dorm.


Gender Mixed

Availability: Available

Aww, I even looked at Go-sho, and almost cried. I miss that place...kinda...okay not really. Be nice to see what it's like now though.


ang said...

gender mixed?? like a hermaphrodite dorm

MaryJane said...

muahahahah! nah, just boys and girls. I wonder how they made that crap house actually lok nice?

ang said...

why do u have that crazy chick from paris hilton's bff on ur profile pic?

mj said...

shes not from paris hilton's show!...i thot it was just a pic.

ang said...

yes she is!! in season one.