May 31, 2009

Things and stuff

Mood: Sad :(

There comes a time in every female's life, when they realize that their life is worth for shit. No matter how much you try, you will feel this at least once in your life if not once a month. Its a given fact.
Anyways, thats what happening right now.

and right now my main sadness making problem is this:

Its off to SMC for me

instead of:

damn...and life goes on.


Anonymous said...

You could go to SMC then in a year or two transfer to USC, which has a great film school too...

MaryJane said...


Anonymous said...

What about UCLA??? I dunno the gap between NYU and SMC is huge..

Way more affordable than USC, right down the street, just really totally nice...totally forgot. An A grade student from a Beverly Hills Highschool has a very high chance of getting into a four year university, without doing the cc route(which is for people who didnt go to highschool), so my earlier suggestion was perhaps not the best, USC is very exspensive.

On their website, UCLA, they estimate the cost of the 9 month academic school year, which i imagine is two semesters, for a california resident living with relatives to be about $18,832

Sorry I dont know how to link stuff.

Thats only 1569 dollars a month. You can do that. And you would definitely be able to get a scholarship, you just dont have one right now but thats fine you can work on that. That shouldnt make you go to a cc place.

Apply apply apply even if you dont have the dough just now, you never know what little angels may help you. And you are completely able to get financial aid which covers a lot. And of course you can always get a schlarship later.

Speak to one good admissions counseler from the school you want, UCLA, who is invested in helping you.Focus, focus, focus.

Dont focus so much on the dollar amount right now. Dont worry about getting a job or anything. Focus on your education, if you do get a job have it be very easy and work around your school schedule not the other way around...this si for when you are in college and now if you have a job, dont know if you do or not and its not something you have to worry about at all.

Pick your major! Do what you want, here I cannot make any suggestions...Dont go in undecided! Pick it and take it seriously...