Okay, so we landed safely in Hawaii yesterday, and it;s a little odd. For those of you who have been to The Big Island of Hawaii, you'll know what I mean when I say this place is quiet. There's nothing here.
This place is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! The house is awesome, super beautiful...it's like a 6 bedroom, house with a pool and everything, and the best part is, its right by the beach!!! and the beach is definatly my kind of beach. Not too sandy, not too rocky, excellent snorkling, etc.
I love this place.
Hopefully, I'll be getting some pics of us soon. First I have to steal Sharon;s camera.
Peace and Aloha.
ANG! you better send me an email. I'm dying to know what happened to you. write me.
Film Reviews and random insights from a Pretentious Hipster and potential film major.
July 27, 2008
July 24, 2008
July 23, 2008
Alright, so Ang is apparently riding her bicycle around the world. I gotta say, I was really shocked to hear that she actually had the guts to get up and do something like that. It makes me feel two things:
1). I'm really proud of her finally doing what we've (she's) been talking about for 2 years.
okay, I know she's crazy.
Be safe ANG! I'm really worried about you, cuz I still wanna see you in October!!
July 16, 2008
Ron Rules Forever
I just saw these new stills for the new movie. I'm kinda a fan...hehehehe
so Weasly is our King...but what about that Hunk of Hottness in the back there??? soooooo Angela's type! it's written all over his face. take a good look...I think that's Dean Thomas. not sure.

July 15, 2008
Lazy ASs...ass
I feel aweful.
I'm trying to look for a job (actually thats a lie, I'm not exactly looking for a job...yet.)
and the only thing I can seem to do is stay at home and sleep, and chill.
It really sucks.
I feel like I'm not doing enough to contribute to humanity. People are starving out there, and what am I doing?? eating fresh fruit and pretending like everythings alright.
actually, I'm kidding. I'm not that concerned about humanity. Who the hell are they anyways?
July 7, 2008
Katy Perry
Bcuz I love Music
..and have nothing better to do.
-Do you like the music your family listens to?
Sharon, Ang, and I all have similar music tastes. Mine is better
-Is music a big part of your life?
-Last song you sang out loud?
The World I Know with David Cook while watching American Idol!
-Do you play air guitar when jamming out?
Yup. Good 'ol Niki style! Nyahahaha!
-Who was your 1st favorite band as a kid?
Well, Avril, of course. but Band wise...BLINK 182!!! (I was just trying to be cool like Ang)
-Ever had a song that make you think of an ex?
-Do you know your parents wedding song?
Probably one of Dad's songs. They never had a wedding.
-What cd is in your car cd player?
Sharon loves Alanis Morsetti...thats about it.
-When was the last time you burned a music cd?
The last time...about 3 years ago. When I had to secretly listen to Breaking Benjamin and tell everyone it was downloaded music from Audio Linkup (I;ve never even been to that site)
-Do you sing in the shower?
I shout out chorus' of the Killers and Coldplay.
-Have you ever sung in front of an audience?
Yeah...during those god aweful Christmas performances. Does Karaoke also count?
-Have you ever been the singer while playing Rock Band?
I LOVE ROCK BAND!!! but no, I'm always the Lead guitarist.
-What is your mom's favorite genre of music?
Classical music. Thats why she's smart
-What is your favorite song by the Beatles?
I have soooo many : Strawberry Fields are Forver, Across the Universe, Girl, Hey Jude, all the songs on Abbey Road...I like all the Beatles songs.
-Do you your ticket stubs from concerts?????
I've never been to a real concert. I should try that next time.
-How many songs do you have on your iPod?
Theres only 2g on my shuffle so....about 400
-Does the music you listen to change with your moods?
Yeah, mostly I just listen to music based on my mood. (i.e. Disturbed and Chevelle when I'm angry)
-What are your favorite lyrics from a song?
"Look at the Stars, see how they shine for you/And everything you do/Yeah, they were all yellow...For you I bleed myself dry!!!!"
-Do you pay for your songs or steal them?
Does anyone really go and buy music? even on iTunes? Illegal downloading is the only thing I know how do to,.
-What kind of iPod do you own?
iPod shuffle
-If not, what kind of iPod would you like to own?
-Define the term: Boyband?
cute little boys that dance around and pretend to sing. i love them.
-What's the farthest you've traveled to go to a concert?
I've never ben to a goddamn concert!
-Do your friends listen to the same music you do?
No. definately not.
-Do you watch American Idol?
I just watch the performances of the contestants I like. Like David Cook. nehehehe
-Can you play an instrument?
I tell everyone I can but I actually cant. shhh...
-Ever sing kareoke?
I love karaoke!
-Have you ever been to a concert you did not enjoy?
Ive never been to a motherfucking concert! although, Coldplay's going to be playing in Westwood soon...I should get my ass down there!
-Have you been to a musical?
The hills are alive with the Sound of Music!
Who is better:
Nsync or Backstreet Boys?
N'sync!!! They could sing and DANCE!!! plus they had Joey the Fatone!
-John Mayer or Jack Johnson?
Jack Johnson!!
-Garth Brooks or George Strait?
Really? is there really a difference? I say Viva la Billy Ray Cyrus!!!
-Fall Out Boy or Panic! At the Disco?
PANIC AT THE DISCO!!! yipeeee!
-Elvis or The Beatles?
The Beatles are the shit!
-Britney Spears or Justin Timberlake?
How can you make me choose?? I say Britney the Pop princess!
-Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus?
Jonas Brothers are cute...
-Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston?
Mariah's a man and Whitney is...is she still alive?
This or that:
Country or Rock?
Rock or Rap?
Emo or Punk?
uhhh...I thot the whole arguement was that emo isnt really a genre of music...it was a way of life. who am I kidding?? Punk!
Oldies or Country?
The older they get the better.
Latino or Disco?
Disco disco yaya!!! Goooo Jhn Travolta!!
Old Skool or New School?
Old Skool!!!!
-Do you like the music your family listens to?
Sharon, Ang, and I all have similar music tastes. Mine is better
-Is music a big part of your life?
-Last song you sang out loud?
The World I Know with David Cook while watching American Idol!
-Do you play air guitar when jamming out?
Yup. Good 'ol Niki style! Nyahahaha!
-Who was your 1st favorite band as a kid?
Well, Avril, of course. but Band wise...BLINK 182!!! (I was just trying to be cool like Ang)
-Ever had a song that make you think of an ex?
-Do you know your parents wedding song?
Probably one of Dad's songs. They never had a wedding.
-What cd is in your car cd player?
Sharon loves Alanis Morsetti...thats about it.
-When was the last time you burned a music cd?
The last time...about 3 years ago. When I had to secretly listen to Breaking Benjamin and tell everyone it was downloaded music from Audio Linkup (I;ve never even been to that site)
-Do you sing in the shower?
I shout out chorus' of the Killers and Coldplay.
-Have you ever sung in front of an audience?
Yeah...during those god aweful Christmas performances. Does Karaoke also count?
-Have you ever been the singer while playing Rock Band?
I LOVE ROCK BAND!!! but no, I'm always the Lead guitarist.
-What is your mom's favorite genre of music?
Classical music. Thats why she's smart
-What is your favorite song by the Beatles?
I have soooo many : Strawberry Fields are Forver, Across the Universe, Girl, Hey Jude, all the songs on Abbey Road...I like all the Beatles songs.
-Do you your ticket stubs from concerts?????
I've never been to a real concert. I should try that next time.
-How many songs do you have on your iPod?
Theres only 2g on my shuffle so....about 400
-Does the music you listen to change with your moods?
Yeah, mostly I just listen to music based on my mood. (i.e. Disturbed and Chevelle when I'm angry)
-What are your favorite lyrics from a song?
"Look at the Stars, see how they shine for you/And everything you do/Yeah, they were all yellow...For you I bleed myself dry!!!!"
-Do you pay for your songs or steal them?
Does anyone really go and buy music? even on iTunes? Illegal downloading is the only thing I know how do to,.
-What kind of iPod do you own?
iPod shuffle
-If not, what kind of iPod would you like to own?
-Define the term: Boyband?
cute little boys that dance around and pretend to sing. i love them.
-What's the farthest you've traveled to go to a concert?
I've never ben to a goddamn concert!
-Do your friends listen to the same music you do?
No. definately not.
-Do you watch American Idol?
I just watch the performances of the contestants I like. Like David Cook. nehehehe
-Can you play an instrument?
I tell everyone I can but I actually cant. shhh...
-Ever sing kareoke?
I love karaoke!
-Have you ever been to a concert you did not enjoy?
Ive never been to a motherfucking concert! although, Coldplay's going to be playing in Westwood soon...I should get my ass down there!
-Have you been to a musical?
The hills are alive with the Sound of Music!
Who is better:
Nsync or Backstreet Boys?
N'sync!!! They could sing and DANCE!!! plus they had Joey the Fatone!
-John Mayer or Jack Johnson?
Jack Johnson!!
-Garth Brooks or George Strait?
Really? is there really a difference? I say Viva la Billy Ray Cyrus!!!
-Fall Out Boy or Panic! At the Disco?
PANIC AT THE DISCO!!! yipeeee!
-Elvis or The Beatles?
The Beatles are the shit!
-Britney Spears or Justin Timberlake?
How can you make me choose?? I say Britney the Pop princess!
-Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus?
Jonas Brothers are cute...
-Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston?
Mariah's a man and Whitney is...is she still alive?
This or that:
Country or Rock?
Rock or Rap?
Emo or Punk?
uhhh...I thot the whole arguement was that emo isnt really a genre of music...it was a way of life. who am I kidding?? Punk!
Oldies or Country?
The older they get the better.
Latino or Disco?
Disco disco yaya!!! Goooo Jhn Travolta!!
Old Skool or New School?
Old Skool!!!!
July 6, 2008
Do you ever wish that life could just be over? Not in the morbid suicide way, but just in a pure sort of innocent way? If there is such a thing.
Believe me, I'm not trying to hint that I hate my life and I want it to be over. I'm just saying, life is really tiring sometimes and I just wish I could fall asleep and stay that way forever.
That, I think is the bliss that I would want.
We live our lives everyday trying to accomplish our various goals, and for what? What really is the reason that we have to go through all this mindless hassle of life? Are we achieving something substantial for the long run?
What is our ultimate motivation to keep living? Why is our immediate mindset and take on life such a complicated cycle?
Anyways, if you think you can answer my questions...just leave a comment.
That's the sort of shit that runs through my mind everyday.
Being Fat
Did you know that it is scientifically proven that obesity is actually a virus??
That means it's contagious.
I know, when I heard that I was like "Oh Shit!"
I realized that most of my posts on this lame ass blog is about movies, music, or TV. Which really sucks because that means that I have a really meaningless life.
...or does it?
I mean, every single other blog that I go to isn't really dedicated to anything. Besides the occasional "Photography" Blog, every other blog is just about the person's day to day life.
Like anyone really gives a fuck! I seriously couldn't even care less about the shit that some people post on their blogs. Even on my blog. If I were a normal person, I really couldn't care about what MaryJane does every single day (Which is basically nothing)
So my question is, why do people even write blogs? Its definitely not for themselves. If it were they would write in a little secret diary. Its definitely not for other people because when people they don't know post a comment on their blogs, they are immediately shot down (i.e. delete their comments/perform some sort of voodoo magic on them and their families)
Which leads me to another important question. Why do I even bother? There's really no reason for me to be blogging, but when I try to stop, I just keep coming back. Its addicting. Take Ang for example. Every time she tries to quit, she makes a new blog. It's fucking awesome.
Such are the mysteries of the world.
July 5, 2008
Indie Day
Happy Fourth of July, ya'll
aint it great to be an American on this patriotic day? it's great. and to all you ppl in Japan --Hahahahaha!!!! I'm an American! your a frikin' singaporean-indonisian-chinese-crackpot-korean or whatever the fuck you are!!!
we spent the entire day at the beach, and as usual, I ended up looking like a lobster. I never seem to learn my lesson about the beach. Beach trips 101 "reapply sunscreen every other hour"
shit happens when you stay in the sun for over 14 hours
god bless us everyone
July 3, 2008
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