May 19, 2008

Tyra f-ing Banks

I swear to god, I didn't intentionally draw mz. tyra banks. I wasn;t even thinking of her when I drew this. I was actually thinking of the dreadful algebra quiz thats going to be happening tomorrow and how I would definatly fail, and voila! Tyra banks just appears out of no where.

must be tyra banks' spirit helper/demon working through me! wowie! nyahahahaha

what do you think?


Anonymous said...

omg. amazing! you nailed it.
just tell your self that your a strong, confident black women. definatly tyra on your side.

Anonymous said...

i know, right?
totally some higher forces working on my side
either that or it;s just way too much antm

Skunk said...

YOU DREW THAT? NICE. It looks exactly like her.