Random shit that I thought about after watching "Inception"
I finally feel like I've entered into that level of normalcy that I've always dreamed of having. I suppose my level of normalcy is higher than most. Always wanting to be "normal" has kinda been my thing. When I was younger I just wanted to be normal even though I never knew what I meant by that. Now, that I'm slightly older, I feel as if that need to be normal is gone and thats when I feel the most normal. I think a lot of people who have been in the same situations as me can feel the same. As a kid, it was always about how different or how special we were. Needless to say, I could never understand what made me different. My specialness was intangible so I began to believe it didn't exist. Kind of like my ideas towards God. Rather close minded I guess and rather dismissive. However, untill that specialness could be proven I just wanted to feel ordinary. Finally it just sort of disappeared as a necessity. ITs a less important thing. My deal is that I am who I am. Kind of like the God of Abraham and Isaac.
"I am that I am.
I do not like green eggs and ham."
Now it just doesnt matter anymore. It makes me sad to think that a lot of the things that I used to believe in have lost their meaning and importance and just dont matter anymore. This is probably how it feels to realize that Santa Clause doesnt exist... Kind of like waking up from a dream.
I'm actually very lucky. So far, everything has started to fall into place. I can't say its what I've wanted for myself, but I've never had definite plans or dreams per se. I suppose not having those pre-existing notions of what my life should be like has made all the pieces fall into place in a satisfactory way.
Is that a good thing? Who the fuck knows.
Anyways, at the end of Inception, was it actually in a dream when he was reunited with his kids? Was it a dream in a dream in a dream in a dream in a dream? ...or something like that.
I also started thinking of those commercials on TV. You know, the one with the red or blue cartoon bears. The toilet paper commercials. WHEN DOES ANYONE ACTUALLY LEAVE PIECES OF TOILET PAPER IN THEIR ASS!!!?? Im sure there's some liberal pro-homo subliminal messege in there. THere usually is with things you cant explain.
Now why was I thinking about that while watching Inception. Someone must have planted the idea of that in my brain.
That makes me think of Zombies.
The end.
I think it was made well but the story line was kind of weak.
The concept of inception was cool but the base story about disaster coming to the world if some guy took over his father's business wasn't enough.
And then when they go through all that to get to the 1000th level of that guy's brain, he finds some little origami in his dad's safe...ok that was gay.
And the never ending story of leo and marion. oh god! that got old fast!
But finally in the end they pull that little trick on you to make you "THINK" that you figured out the "complicated" story line by understanding that leo was in a dream . Blah! they tried to pull inception on your ass.
And you know what i was thinking during the whole movie.
"hey that girl has the same thing on her forhead as mj. why in gods name hasnt she got it removed yet?"
I saw that on her forehead and felt connected to her.
Plus, that movie isnt really about this whole complecated amazing thing anyway.
Its really just the writer and director laughing at Hollywood saying that you can pass everything off as a dream in a movie. you can do anything rediculous and in the end it doesnt matter because its all in someones head.
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