Woah, how annoying is it when fortunate people complain about what they have. Sure, its in everyone's nature to want to be unhappy because being unhappy is easy!! But still!
Like when celebrities talk about the hardships of being a billionaire. "I'm chased around all day by paparrazzi! Sooo much pressure! I'm shriveling!!!" Oh please, shut the hell up and go get plastic surgery or something!
Or when rich people complain about their problems, or worse when they complain about how poor people make their lives "difficult"!
But the worst by far is when good looking people talk about the hardships of being beautiful! Its the worst because we all know a good looking person or two who complain about their "flaws"
somebody call the waaaaa-mbulance!
WARNING!!!! This video will make you depressed:
idiots is right.
oooooh booo fucking hoo. such fucking hoes!!! GOOOOOODDDDD!!! I'm jus so mad at corprate america right now. My pimples are turning very red
shes like "people think that pretty people are just stupid. is this a mock show?"
Yes you fucking idiot.
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