Oh My Fucking God!!
For all you people who watch Lost out there, its the best fucking show on the planet. The finale was the best ever! It had everything in it that makes Lost amazing! It had to have been my favorite finale of any season of Lost. So spectacular!
It was so poetic and just all round good Television. The Juliet/Sawyer scene damn well moved me to fucking tears!!! Right when I was starting to like Juliet. There was so much closure! I spent all of last night thinking about it and I totally know whats going on on that island. Ang, call me and we'll talk about my favorite show~
Season 5 has not disappointed, I think after 4 being kinda a dudd, 5 was just goddamn beautiful. I have no idea what is going to happen in season 6, the final season of Lost **sniff** and not knowing is the best part. What sucks is I have to wait till next January to find out.
on other TV show news...TEYONA FOR ANTM!! Finally, Tyra did something semi-right, in crowning the actual model looking girl to win instead of so creepy looking air head. This year in TV show finales have not been bad...I can sleep now~
--im so lame, all I have to talk about is my love for Lost!!