So anyways, school started again. September 2nd, 2008. first day of the school year.
I'm super excited for this year. I have tons of academics that I have to do but I'm sure that this time around I will have a better time studying and shit. I doubt I'll be that great at everything, but who cares?? I'll be doing my best.
I'm super excited about starting up in the Drama class. I think that I'd be uber good at acting. Plus, one of the teachers, Mr. Buchart or another, is kinda sexy. In that older, sruffy looking nerf herder/professor, wears a pink tie sort of way. Yeah, that'll be cool. Hopefully, everyone will be seeing me in out Musical (God forbid) or in the fall play next year.
I'm awesome.
Also, I'm finally starting to grab my problems by the balls. if you have any questions regarding these deep and mysterious problems, and how I overcome them, email me.
SPOILER ALERT: It's not thru prayer and meditation!
that's all,
Hope everyone enjoys the new school year.
Ciao bellas,
xoxo, MJ
yay!! i'm so happy that you joined the drama club. I can't believe the teacher is sexy! when i think drama club i think of that teacher in HSM.
hahaha. yeah, total high school musical situation going on.
uggh MJ be careful, I am so happy about the play though
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