August 8, 2008


I had a job interview at Abercrombie today, but I chickened out of it.
I didnt have anything to wear, I was having a bad hair day, i was starving, and I didn't have any means of getting there.
I'm so like that. If one little thing goes wrong, I'll stop. I'm afraid of failure. it scares me to bits.

I got online later and this was my horoscope:

Taurus: Uncertainty will only encourage you to be moody, today, so nail down plans early.

...and I didn't nail down those plans.
Arg! I hate myself!!!!
fuck it, I'll try again next week.


Anonymous said...

haha. All my horescopes have been very positive so far.
why don't you set abunch of interviews up for one day and get it all done with.

MaryJane said...

it's going to the interviws that I hate. not the actual interview.