June 11, 2008


I just realized a few things about myself. 

First, I;m good at writing, well writing essays anyway. IT was always like "oh, amanda and angela are the writers, always writing strange slightly pornographic stories in their little notebooks" 
and now, i get to shine! SUck on that! bitches! nyahaha

Secondly, I'm secretly having an affair with Coldplay. Viva la Vida
 is playing ALL day on my iPod

and lastly, I really don't like Japanese people.
Even tho I am Japanese, almost exactly half of my brain is japanese I dont like how their culture motivates them to be so collected on the outside. THere's no way of knowing what they're thinking or feeling. you could be having a friendly conversation with some japanese person and them could be thinking of ripping your brains out of your skull...or something morbid like that. 
 They;re dull.  boring people to talk to. they'll never give information about themselves. Its always, "be polite, listen to the other person talk" 
Today I talked with this japanese guy for about an hour before I could finally strangle his goddamn name out of him.  

dont they kinda look like british serial killers???


Ange Johnson said...

i was never good at writing. I wrote pornographic stories codes for children because I was a child. they never made any sense to anyone but me.
example: and then she stroked his ehem. while they kissed on the ehem.

i would code things like "lips" for christsake!

oh yeah, and i always thought you were a really good writer.

Anonymous said...

oh no...
i knew those vaguely sexual writings of ours would come back to haunt us one day
but really, they were V.A.G.U.E. like angela said, there was a large amount of "and abe touched abi's AHEMs" and "gabriel visited mary and they AHEM'ed"

Anonymous said...

mari, i just saw this episode of living lohan and their like retards. NO, actual retards. Something seems really wrong with that girl Ali's brain. I'm not kidding. It was sick

MaryJane said...

Living Lohan??? jesus christ! that;s the lohan show! I can't believe you! shame on you.
They really are retards.

Skunk said...

Oh course you're good at writing.

As soon as I realize I am good at writing, I will write a similar post.

And isn't the un-genuine aspect of Japanese people pissing-off? (I just used to non-word words... I know... I am NOT a good writer)

But I like Japanese as a whole

Anonymous said...

mari, Your love afaire with coldplay reminds me of needful things when thoes housewives start getting off on the Elvis products. hahaha.

Oh yeah, some lil fag is acusing Chris Martin of Plagurising his song. I saw the youtube video and thought it was full of crap.
what do you think?

MaryJane said...

i thought it was funny. the song did sound the same. not enough for them to actually do anything about it tho.