Sooo...I thot it was really interesting when I heard that My Chemical Romance is going to be marching in London protesting some bad media they got...
sound weird to you? Apparently, as seen on amanda's blog, they represent some sort of suiside cult. And I just thot, amanda must really want to fly out to London right about now, because this "march of the emos" is happening on May 31st!!!
dude, get your ass over there, you have to march for what you KNOW is right!!! Svae the emos! Save the world! Emos have rights! yada yada ya. yup. sure they do.
how crazy is that? I mean, jesus, just becuz someone calls you emo and some sort of suicide cult doesn't mean you have to go march for your rights, I mean, if Britney Spears did that everytime the media called her a slut, she'd be marching 24/7
hahahha. I bet they call it the black parade.
whatever. they are just emotional kids in need of Looooooove
I bet the CD sales are going down so they need a bit of publicity. Unless they really are just plane emotional.
oh yeah, btw. when is the next lost fanale?
theres no place like home pt 2 n 3 are on thursday!!!!
but seriously, emos are insane!!!
They already had a black parade march...only it wasn't really a march.
Yeah like they need CD sales, they're rich as hell already.
It's easy to figure out why they're doing this (if they are, cause I haven't seen news of this anywhere else).
It's to annoy people. My Chem likes pissing assholes off, as we all should.
MCR isn't holding the march.
It's their fans.
Their lovely, loyal, crazy obsessed fans.
I would so go to this thing. I can predict a riot, started by a fight between the fans and...everyone else.
a riot?? yes yes!! lets start a riot!
Shh the government HATES riots, that's why people need to start them. Or are you some media-slop-swallowing pro-government little sucker?
I love that tortured strawberry photo on your blog. Spark of genius, sucker.
MCR is a band comprised of little kids that dont like their parents and want to complain about their miserable little lives that are just oh so hard.
And that lead singer dude,with his "i'm a victim of 9/11" bullshit. No body really cares! maybe if he were going to jail and fucking Pete Wentz people would be interested in him, much less his crap music.
besides, course they need CD sales! If their albums aren't selling, they dont have money. Dont believe them when they try to pull that, "Im only in it for the music"
no one is.
i know. it really is "genius!"
Is school really out already?
Dude, do your research (like I have, extensively, over the years) before posting your bullshit.
1. They are quite old now. Not "kids", exactly.
2. They've all said how much they love their parents. It's creepy. But guess what, when people grow up, they like their parents. Something you have yet to experience, you socially inept retard.
3. They keep saying that "YOUR life is hard". Their lives aren't hard any more, idiot. They're rich, famous, and loved (and lots of them are married, I might add).
4. He never said anything about being a victim of 9/11. It just made him realise that a fucking dead end job wasn't all he wanted to do with his life. I know that's hard to believe, since your life seems to be all about talking out of your ass.
5. They never told their fans to do this. If MCRmy wants to publicize for My Chem, they will, and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
There you go, wanker. Before I go, let me list some bands who love My Chem.
Green Day
Say Anything
Fall Out Boy (naturally)
Linkin Park
Avenged Sevenfold
Alkaline Trio
Reggie and the Full Effect (whoever they are)
Mindless Self Indulgence
Taking Back Sunday
The Offspring
Drive By
Billie Talent
If any of these bands mean ANYTHING to you (as in, you respect their music or like them) then you'll respect their decisions and tastes, won't you?
Let's not forget Paul Stenning's book, "Something Incredible This Way Comes" which is a biography of MCR. Paul Stenning is an intelligent GROWN UP, not a teenage "emo" kid who hates people.
Lastly, fuck you. People who refuse to use their brain (like you) are walking wastes of space, and the world is already over populated. But don't let that make you kill yourself, cause there's hope for you in the future.
And don't forget to do your research next time, before spouting off just whatever comes to mind.
God that was fun.
hummm....i'm not gonna lie. I didnt even bother reading that so i didnt get your point. (whatever it may be)
but anyways, if you go to this blog's main page, to your right theres a few links. Click on the one that says amanda rudow. You'll like it there. I promise.
Then again, you sound like the little fucker thats already hanging around on her blog so i'm sure you two have become best friends already.
Why go to someone else's blog when there's a perfectly good one here?
Anyways, my comment was not directed at you, but I might add that there are none so blind as those who will not see, and being willingly ignorant is condemned by your religion.
woah, that was weird, seriously, I didn't even bother reading that comment.
but its probably someone I know that doesn't want to be associated with that comment.
dont worry, anonymous. I know who you are and where you live. maybe you can write me and share your little thots on music. I'd love that.
leave your fucking name!
this is so funny. why have i not seen this before?!
anon... ang and mj are right, if you want to rant, rant where people will actually read what you write. which definitely isn't here, yeah?
Damn I forgot to mention The Used.
The Used looooove MCR. You know that gay little giggle at the end of You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison?
That's Bert. He giggles awesome.
Mari, I'm sorry that you didn't read my comment. I called you a socially inept retard, an idiot, and a wanker. I'm also kind of sorry for that. If you know who I am, why need I leave my name?
Mary Jane is a wanker?
One of my definitions of a wanker is someone who writes rude comments on people's blogs because they want it to look like they have balls, but they leave their name out, because they actually don't. It's rude.
Funny though. Calling Mary Jane a wanker is like... I dunno. But if someone called me a wanker I would laugh because I would actually agree.
That's funny, skunk person, because I think there was an insult or a point hidden in there, but I couldn't find it.
And I'll have you know that since I'm a girl, I certainly don't want balls of any sort. Except gumballs and bouncy balls, which are fun.
I hope you aren't challenging my ability to insult people, because I am actually even more of a wanker than Mary Jane.
I was just a bit more concerned with making my point than I was about being a rude idiot. But then again, you probably didn't get the point anyway, because you are a rude idiot.
So I read your post again and apparently you think it's rude for me to leave my name out.
That makes no sense. My name will make no difference, as you don't know me , neither does Ang or MJ. Come to think of it, I don't even know them.
WHEEEEEE Weeds is back in nine days!
It's not leaving your name out that is rude, but when you do it because WHAT YOU ARE SAYING IS RUDE then it's actually not just rude, it's pathetic. But it's ok, I have a handle for you already, Rude Idiot. And a bit funny...
I leave myself anonymous because you people don't know me anyways (and I'm glad of that cause I'd never want to have close-minded short-sighted acquaintances like you. Not even the Beverly Hills girl) and so I don't see the point. Putting my actual name, or putting "anonymous" or some bullshit ID makes no difference. But I can see that you don't understand that yet, so I'll give you a short example.
"ang" puts her name as "ang" but that seriously does NOT tell me WHO she is. I know she lives in Japan...and obviously she knows MJ, but that's it. Her name tells me nothing, just like my name will tell you nothing.
Actually I do get what you mean, which is that just a name menas nothing if it's not attached to a person you are at least familiar with.
So putting your name up wouldn't tell us who you are.
But you know what, rude and insulting comments DO say what KIND of person you are.
who gives a fuck???
nice little argument whatever the fuck your name is.
real cute. can we talk about something else now?
I thought you would say that eventually.
"But you know what, rude and insulting comments DO say what KIND of person you are."
I was simply responding in like manner. The best way to get through to someone is to say it in the language they best understand. Usually, that's the language they use. If I'm rude, it's because the people I'm talking to are.
Sorry, marijuanna (by the way, that's spelt wrong. Was that intentional?) I can't stop. It's an OCD.
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