May 3, 2008

High School

Believe it or not, they call them high school movie flicks for a reason. cuz they're about high school. and don't believe a word when people tell you that high school isn't like the movies. most of "those" people have never even set foot in a high school.

So yeah, my high school is like a movie flick. There's little groups, nerds, bad kids, good kids, cool kids, and the list goes on and on and on. cool, no???

i for one think it's fun. But there's all these kids that cry everyday cuz they don't wanna go to school . okay....

ang, tell dad that richard Dreyfuss graduated from my school

there are girls like these


Anonymous said...

richard Dreyfuss? really? dad would be so proud!

My school wasnt like that much cuz it was new.

so what group are you in?

Anonymous said...

started the blogging again.
and why does lindsay look the ugliest in that pic?

MaryJane said...

cuz she is the ugliest.

my school has a massive celebrity alumi. pretty cool

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, dad was saying how proud he was that you chose such an honorable school.
so who else graduated from there?
go to any football games?? athlets really are the best. hee hee

Skunk said...

Are you in High School? Cool!

Are there any other hal Japanese there??

Anonymous said...

uhh..Angelina Jolie for did Ross from friends. tons of famous ppl. it's in beverly hills after all

Phoenixkidd said...

Be careful MJ, those highschool cuties can be real bitches always stay true to yourself and trust in your instincts--they usually end up being right. and don't worry if you aren't in a click, all those bimbos end up being silicon moms that never leave the valley when they get older.