Today I went to one of Sharon's acting classes!!!! SOOOO awesome! Its really great, we sat in this mini-theatre place and watched the students act out different scenes from plays and movies for 4 hours. Alot of them were really good.
(Note 2 Ang:) One of the scenes was from the Secretary, you know the part where he spanks her?? :D
Anyways, it kinda made me want to be an actor. I'd probably suck! I think I'll just wait to see Sharon act and do one of her scenes. Exciting, exciting!!!
awww!! no fair! i wanna go to an acting class.
oh i love that scene!!
and you should totally become an actress. it really beats modeling.
glad to see your life's finally picked itself off the floor ;)
sounds wicked, always wanted to take acting classes... you should so get into the business, i mean, even if you can't fake-cry, what the heck: that's what eyedrops were invented for!
it's funny but acting isn't just boohooing at a moment's notice; it does take some talent.
that's not what i meant and you knoooow it!
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