February 7, 2008

Let it NOT snow....please?

I've never been a great fan of God, but desparate times call for desparate measures, even if it does mean making human sacrifices to a spagehtti monster!

I HATE SNOW!!!!!!!!
I gotta tell you, I used to love it. I can't believe it myself but I actually used to go out in the snow and make ice forts with my bare hands. yeah, that was like 2 years ago. BTW, we made those huge forts in our neighbor's driveway, and they never melted so our neighbors got really pissed.
All that to say, I hate snow.
Last year, not one flake fell and I was relativly happy, but this year? goddamnit, it's snowed nearly 3 times, heavily at that. And people everwhere are telling me that it's going to snow over the weekend.
I go to school in a skirt.....a short one!
I had English teaching today...yeah...I froze.

So God, if your real-excuse me for using the cliche- don't let it snow tomorrow the day after or for the rest of eternity if you dont mind.
I'll even honor you with a human sacrifice, wait while I try and capture joey or Ang......

that's settled.


Ang Johnson said...

I have an idea! let us willilngly offer the monster kimoi gross retarded eyebrowless for a sacrifice.

you know how god loves cheerful givers.

oh wait. i forgot. we have to wait till after the election and by then it wont be snowing and you wont be here.

p.s. to eyebrowless:
if i ever fucking hear you singing any song of mine again infront of me i'll blow your fucking brains out and you wont live to see the next mother fucking president.

Ang Johnson said...

"oh boohoo Angela dissed me in MaryJane's blog daddy. oh my god. I'm so hungry. I never eat dinner. can you get me some snack even though i'm sooo goddam fat and disgusting and fugly and everyone hates me."

what the fuck is your problem? sick tub of lard! Your hidious beyond all reason and we dont mind saying so in public places.

yup, diarys are for writing about people you hate but its just so much more fun when every one can see it.

Ang Johnson said...

p.p.p.s. sawyer is sooooo hot!!

Ang Johnson said...

I love you!

Anonymous said...

you've take the words right out of my mouth

Anonymous said...

Sings..."Her favourtie colors be platinum and gold, she only loves in Stereo, Only loves in Stereo"

Anonymous said...

yay! she read the "mean" comments and knows how we feel about her.
we'll only have to say it 10 trillion more times before she gets it thorugh that sick shit head of hers.

Anonymous said...

jesus christ, the HATE MAIL!

where's the love, people?!?!