May 7, 2007

When you wish on Jepetoh's Balls...

So today we went star gazing with our Rudow friends and wished on many many stars.
well actually i didnt. But apparently a few people saw "shooting stars". (yeah right!)
Anyways, I was just laying there thinking how lucky we were that we picked the spot under the sky right where all the stars were! I mean, what if we were waaaaay over on the other side of the mountain where hardly any stars were!

So it got me thinking about the old "i'm so small and unimportant" theory. That compare to the billions and trillions of stars and planets up there, we are nothing!
and you know what? ITS TRUE! that is, to the higher Gods and stuff you know?
I mean, we are tiny little ants to them and it doesnt matter if they ruen the home we tried so hard to build. Its nothing to them.
(by "them" i mean the supossably existant ....bigger, greater things that live up there.)
So say one of the Gods was picking their nose and flicked a booger into the air, and it came crashing down to earth as a mideorite and made a humongolious tsunami that killed millions of people, it wouldnt be anything to that God. Get what i'm saying?
no, no, i have a point to this. LISTEN! time you even think about steping on an ant, remember that we are the GODS to them and if we kill or ruen their lives, then its just...SAD okay?!

So now that i've decided to be nice to all the ants, lady bugs and all thoes little creatures, i think zeus and all thoes guys should be nice to me no? Its only fair...right? right?

ofcorse, if a cockroach desides to come live in my house, i think i will have to take some drastic action.

(I really have a bad feeling about my spelling.find anything?)


Skunk said...


Skunk said...

Hey, but it is possible to see shooting stars. Remember how many we saw last year?