February 14, 2007


God! dont we all HATE HATE HATE them??
yall know who i'm talking about. Thoes creeps who walk around with their giant camras snaping shots of everyone from every angle.
and it gets worse.
Then they become known as some "photographer" just because of their nice looking camra. (ok maybe not all of them)
but still, people with camras are weird os! stay away from them.
unless ofcorse your some picture hungry little 14 year old who is just dying to be in a picture with every person on the planet.
Even then, notice: people talk about thoes picture hungry kids behind their back and say nasty nasty things about their pictures and about them.

I could go on and on about this. Its a touchy subject isnt it?


MaryJane said...

Auntie Ang.... you aren't talking about me when you say "Picture hingry little 14 year old" right? ehehe

Anonymous said...

no, i'm talking about you-know-who. that little japanese girl that we're so fond of.

Anonymous said...

Um, are you talking about the kid in American Beauty??

Anonymous said...

Um, are you talking about the kid in American Beauty??

Ang Johnson said...

yeah, that guy too.
but he's really hot