I dont mind kids at all. In fact, I love kids.
Except for...you know, the sick kids.
and this is what i mean...
cute kids are cute even when they are bratty. So you cant help but laugh at them when their throwing a fit.
BUT theres thoes ugly kids. REAL ugly kids that you just want to kill when they throw thoes tantrums. Sick little children with boogers snout driping out of their noses. Kids that are 2 years old and cant talk. Kids with mud all over their hands. you get the picture, i'm sure.
Maybe if they were cute they could get away with being a brat, but ugly kids are NOT CUTE!
know what i mean?
I'm not naming any names here but there are quit a few that i've come across during my job as a baby sitter.
I HATE HATE HATE UGLY KIDS ! Kids are suppose to be cute. NOT UGLY!
(I can say this with confidence because every kid in my family was a adorable half japanese half american who could talk at 1 and a half)
It's the same as hot girls and ugly girls. It goes without saying that hot girls have a slight advantige over fugly girls.
so it should also go without saying that cute kids have a slight advantige over ugly kids.
for example,
say a really ugly child and a adorable child were having an argument over a doll. I would automatically take the doll and give it to the better looking kid.
It sounds mean but its true. And every one would do the same.
like this, I'm sure a guy would rather skrew a hot girl over a ugly girl.
see? i'm not being all that mean. Its the truth.
Enough being said,
Angela Baby sitting requirements are as follows.
-must have TV in house.
-must have cute kid.
now thats all i'm asking. really.
actually, i'm retired so never mind.
ok forget it.
to every mother their child is an angel.
-End of lecture from Auntie Angela
p.s. the tile is simbolic for my age.
I've been seventeen since the last 24 hours.