January 21, 2007

V for Vanish-this-movie-to-the-depths-of-the-sea!

And that's really all I have to say about the movie V for Vendetta and I'm going to go into a long explanation of why I don't like it, so bare with me. And Ang, this is my own - my very own - opinion about this movie... and it's not like I don't like it just because you don't, I'm not an animal.

First I will adress the characters/actors/actresses.

- ; Natalie Portman; Evey Hammond-or what ever her name is
I don't even know why they picked her to do the dirty work! She's cute and all, but that acting is hitrotious! I have never seen, and will never see someone cry the way she did. I know this movie is suppose to be in the future, but does she really need to cry as if she were a retard?
I've never really liked Natalie Portman as an actress. the first time I saw her acting, she was in Star Wars; and hell, those were not the greatest movies ever made. Then I saw Closer, and that wasn't such a good one either.
Too bad for Natalie. She's a cute little girl and all...but I've never liked her.
- V the weird burnt up man; I don't know his name and it doesn't really matter to me.
Since he is constantly under a mask, there's really no need for "good" acting. no facial exprecions etc.
buuuuut, I have a few things to say about his character.
He's a creep-thats-all-burnt-up-and-has-got-nothing-better-to-do-than-wait-for-his-ultimate-chance-to-go-blow-up-parliment-and-kill-the-people-that-made-his-face-a-wreck-and-likes-little-girls-who-are-helpless-and-misslead-so-he-can-use-them-to-kill-more-peopl....
take a deep breath cuz that didn't make sense.
All that to say, he's a barbaric terroist, who wants revenge. I don't really blame him, but still. what happened to forgiveness? what about god???

just kidding.....

All that to say, I didn't like the movie and all it's weird ideas about facisim bullocks! to hell with that! so what if the world is like that in a million years? Jesus is coming back!!!!!

okay, I'll quite the jokes.

D for Da Vinci Code came out at the same time. And from what I hear--from family ppl that is--they liked V for Vendetta better....which is a mystery.
Da vinci code is far more godly than V for V, at least it had meaning. whereas V4V is like : the idea the idea the idea the idea! blah blah blah.

Therefore my friends, do not watch V for Vendetta stick with D for Da vinci Code. it's waaaaaaay better.
wtv. I don't know what the i'm talking about. g'night

Note: do not listen to a word I said in the above. I'm tired and am a hopelessly stupid 14 year old! cheerio!


Anonymous said...

I hate it when a movie is soo bad that they have to put in some famous person and make them act in a hitrotious way to make the movie look like it had some "excellent" acting.
like in V for Very boring movie they had to get natalie portman of all people to put on a fake british accent instead of getting an unknown real british actress who could of at least made the movie look a bit more like it was set in England or whatever.

they did that with Monster too. God, i hate that movie!

Anonymous said...

you know, this thing you wrote didnt really make much sence to me but movie reports are fun. you should keep writing them.

actually i dont even really know why i hated this movie so much.
you see, its hard enough remembering my opinions without also having to remember my reasons for them!

MaryJane said...

ahahaha! whatver, ang

Anonymous said...

well, i have to say that in the past years I;ve only been drawn to romcoms, so when I watched this movie it was like food to my shallow, unourished soul. heh heh heh. I mean, at least it had a little more...plot?

I actually don't mind Portman. And I am really drawn to that movie Closer for some really ODD reason, I always watch it on the telly..."I can't take my eyes off of you. I can't take my eyes off of you..."