November 2, 2006

Halloween is a time to be scared.
But humans like to be scared. That's why they watch movies like Grudge and Grudge 2...I must be in-human.
Because, I never watch horror movies.

That's me there. I fixed it up tons on photoshop to make it look a little more scarier.


Ang Johnson said...

I fixed it up to look scarier. and btw, if i can watch grude, any one can watch grude.

Seiko Hashimoto said...

GOOD LORD!! that looks HOT!! Growl baby!

Anonymous said...

maryjane. you look so hot here!!


Julia said...

OMG I had to watch the Grude 2 and seriously it gave me nightmares. I NEVER EVER watch horror movies cause I hate them, but I was forced to. I don't like sad movies either. I really only like chick flicks

Julia said...

u are gorgeous! u look like a manga

Ang Johnson said...

yeah.chick flicks rock!