September 1, 2006

Ode to Ambie

If I could write a poem Ambie....I really would write one to you! instead I'll write all the things that I'll miss about you.

I'll Miss:

-The chicken you would cook when ever Ambie would cook I could always be sure that it wasn't going to be dry yucky chicken!! seeing as I hate dry chicken, it was always a pleasure to eat Ambie's wonderful chicken meals.

-The delicious Pasta and of course her pasta. that was usually the high light of my day, to go down stairs and find a lovely meal of pasta waiting. I loved it

-Ambie's beautiful voice ringing thru the hall way I know everone always says this to Ambie but ambie has a very very nice voice! the best thats ever lived in this house actually....heh....I'll miss having so much competition!

-Ambie's laugh she always had something to laugh about, and I never talked about serious things with ambie. we were always laughing!

-Ambie's room I hate ppl that are so careful that their room is drives me mad, i like ppl that don't really care. Like Ambie, I mean it's a good thing!!!!I love messy rooms!

-Ambie's love for picture takeing its really great!

-Ambie's kid juju was truely my favorite child! :D even tho it's bad to have favorites

I love you Ambie and theres so much more to say...but a certain Home Mananger is bugging me to get off so, I love you and I'll miss you! Have fun in Taxas! oh and say hi to Gabe the Moose for me!

p.s. Ambie I forgive you for all the times you would make Mabo Dofu!


Ang Johnson said...

without ambie, we never would have met sick hick with the big dick. thanks ambie!

Anonymous said...

So sweet Mari thanks! I love you so much and miss you already ..weep.
It's just not the same man...My first Ode I swear!!
I shall come over a time or two more. Jude misses ya! Says he wants to go home.

And comment sorry. Great imagination though.

MaryJane said...

aw ambie..I love you.

Ang....I can't believe I didn't say that first! you stole my fire!

Anonymous said...

why is it that you and everyone you know is so hot?