May 29, 2006

I'm so bored!

I'm posting all these uninteresting posts...I think I should post somehting useful! like maybe my wonderful Photography!!!! I've been fooling around with pictures at late, like now that mom has a camera I've been taking all these stupid pistures. And then I put them on my comuter and "fix" them on the wonderful most spectacular program called Adobe Photoshop.
Isn't Photoshop the best??? it's soo cool. like even if I don;t take good pictures, as long as I have my photoshop 8.0, I'll be okay. I mean, isn't it the smae for everyone? Like even Ambie. like she's artistic and all, but she just fixes all her pictures on the computer and they look even better.
Oh yes, and my dearest sister Ang fixes her pictures up as well. So does everyone else. Maybe nest week I'll ask someone for a clip drive and bring all the pictures up here.

Till nest week


Ang Johnson said...

yes dahhling. photoshop is the bestest photo program on earth. proffesional photographers spend 2 hours taking pictures and 5 hours on photoshop. not even kiddin. i'd love to see your photography

Julia said...

its a great hobby. Photography, that is.

Anonymous said...

Humm well..yeah photoshop is great and all but once really go into photoshopping stuff its hardly photography anymore. Sometime I'll show you how I "fixup" the pics. They call it the digital dark room.

Ang Johnson said...

guess it depends what kind of photography you do

MaryJane said...

Well mine isn't like Ambies...Im not that artistic.

Anonymous said...

yeah Mari! i love photoshop too. and photography! they're great!