February 18, 2006

The Last Days of Pompeii

If you haven't seen this movie, you've gotta see it! its THE best old movie with Olivia Hussie ever. not like she's the main attraction of the movie, Antonius or Lydon is.
We watched it last night and i was at the edge of the couch the whole time! it was so cool. Amanda was freaking out the whole time, the suspense was too much for her.
The last time i watched it, me and ang were like googling over Antonius half the time, and making comments on how ugly Petrus was. We must have annoyed Niki sooo much.


Ang Johnson said...
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Julia said...

Finally, you changed the format. You cou;dnt post comments before

Ang Johnson said...

gosh, sorry. i keep deleting my own comments by accident cuz this mouse is fucked up. nyways..yeah, i liked that movie...its a one time thing though

MaryJane said...

sorry about the comment thing. i had no idea.

Ang Johnson said...

oh yeah! petrus...i dunno. my taste changed alot. maybe if i see it again i'd totaly fall for him.