February 13, 2006

dearest Amanda had a birthday!

Dearest mandy had a birthday yesterday...and she's...14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i love you! hope you have a great year! Don't be too sad that your getting older and you don't have a boyfriend yet..jk. happy birthday. peace girl!


Ang Johnson said...

geee....how old is that?? 14?? woah. and you desperate 14 year olds....roomin in the same room. no boy friends.....stinky......sleep nude. god!! this is getting dangerous.

Julia said...

thats what I was gonna say. Why would yu want a bf at 14??? I didnt have a bf till I was 19

Amanda Rudow said...

Desperate? Speak for yourself. And btw you're not getting all your facts straight so investigate b4 posting. :D