February 15, 2010


Ok, this is kinda old but it doesnt matter.

A couple weeks ago, Josh Duhamal aka Fergie's bitch, came to our school and spoke in the auditorium to
"Raise awareness for Haiti"
Ok, sounds like a noble cause, however, the cheeky bastard just came to promote his new movie that was opening in theaters everywhere that Friday.
Im sorry, but that is an example of a fucking asshole. it made me so fucking mad. I sat there and listened to him go on about how he thought we needed to do all we could to donate to Haiti relief. "Oh yeah, and I have a movie coming out this Friday."
What a fucking douche. Thats just so cheap. Hiding behind the cover of "helping" people when all you wanna do is help yourself.

Go fuck yourself, Josh Duhamel. Thanks for being such a fucking asshole.