December 23, 2009

Enemy of the goat

I was wondering how merpeople have sex. Guess what? They don't.
They do it like fish. The female lays the eggs and then the male fertilizes them.
That...or a giant fish just rapes a human or the other way around. Most likely some kinky ass fish-rape is going on.
Damn. That must hurt.


Cereal Stalker said...

Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, and Im gonna love one brat till I die. Cant stop loving that brat of mine....

Seiko Hashimoto said...

good lord woman! The shit going on in your head! BWAHA! ... but really ... i use to wonder how they did have sex ... can a human fuck a merperson ... there must be a hole somewhere ...

MaryJane said...

...or is it magic....?

Ceeal Stalker said...

Fuck PETA..

Cereal Stalker said...

your a genius MJ

Unidentifiable Subject said...

I think I'm starting to regret finding your blog now. Damn, woman, you're all kinds of fucked up!
But it does get one thinking....

Ugh. Scrub brain. Find bleach, scrub brain some more.