Its so nice living alone and not cleaning my room! I swear it has a therapeutic effect on my stressed brain!
there are literally clothes, shoes, garbage, school projects, and plain old junk just lying everywhere in my room. I've already kind of started moving the disaster to the bathroom. next stop. kitchen.
I love messes. I think it has some sort of childhood trauma connected to it.
ugh! I fucking hate cleaning my room! Which is weird cuz i do so love coming home to a clean house rather then messy!
I think there is something about NOT having to clean, like mummy isn't yelling at you until you do, that makes not cleaning them all the more enjoyable.
I feel safe and independent in a messy room. Im sure there's some medical term for my condition.
i know!! Its like my personal space. every time i clean it, all the shit ends up in the same place
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