August 27, 2009


How do people even tolerate having children? I mean, besides being something to love, and being cute children don't bring come with any benefits. The only thing children do is cost money, and once you spoil them rotten, they are little brats until they leave home and never write.
(Not speaking from experience)
I'm just saying that kids are such a tiresome routine that people feel like they HAVE to endure. .

Why is it always a woman's nature to feel like they are obliged to have children? Of course, its evolutional, and a species fitness depends on their ability or inability to reproduce. But seeing as our human species is already widely overpopulated...I mean our earth is bursting with billions of humans...shouldn't our human nature work in reverse. It would be better for the earth if we stopped popping our millions of babies every day.

I guess it is so deeply engrained into our minds since we are children to have babies, with dolls and other family molds, but still. A truly unselfish thing would be not to have babies. There are only a few reasons why people have babies. To fill some kind of hole, or they couldn't help it. But come on, aren't there enough suffering children on earth without having selfish women trying to have babies of their own?

I am absolutely against all artificial insemination, surrogacy, in-vitro fertilization, and embryo transfers. Why don't you do the world a favor and not have children once in a while??? please.

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