August 5, 2008

Hawaii - "for your viewing pleasure" teehheee

Here;s some pics from our trip. I'd post more, believe me there's tons, but it takes so goddamn long! so yeah, maybe some other time when I feel in the mood.

disclaimer: do not be shocked at how fat I am. I'm working on it, mmmmkay??

Me and Alysha at the Hilton
She loooooved the dolphins! soooo cute!

wow...I look like a coww riding on a horse... that's something you dont see everyday!

So pretty! I really killed my hair with all the sea water and clorine. it's usually not that freaky

okay, I'll try and post more later


Anonymous said...

I truly appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

mari!! these are so cute. Alysha really looks like sharon.
and Hawaii looks so beautiful. Lets vaca there sometime!

Seiko Hashimoto said...

MJ you are still so pretty!!!