April 30, 2008


so there! I'm sixteen! shit bitch, I thought this day would never come and here I am.
I just realized that I don't even think so much of birthdays. I guess I've always been like that.

congradulate me...


April 26, 2008

its funny but watching Lost episodes alone really sucks. There's no one I can rant and rave to about my theories. I like freaked out when Alex died. that was shocking, and I didnt have anyone to cry to. im glad that they[re showing more of sawyer. I was dying without him

April 6, 2008

Yogi, Yoga, and a workout....?

So yeah, for the past two days I've been going to the gym. I haven't workedout in years, and the nearest I've ever been to a gym was probably 5oo miles away, so that was a great lifechanging experience for me. not that I really even did a work out or anything, but I broke into a heavy sweat! cheeeese!!!

I also took a dance class where me and my two left feet tried to learn to dance. yeah, I sucked as always. at least I wasn't dancing some freakish idian tribal dance while grooving to a strangled cat chant "ehyah ehyah eeeeeeeyah! eyah eyah eh, eh,eh, eh, ...yah." over and over again.

Also did yoga, nice looong stretches and breathing in, and breathing out, and painfully trying to grasp the concept of 'connecting' with the earth...riiiiight.

yeah, whatever. good night.

April 3, 2008


Today I went to one of Sharon's acting classes!!!! SOOOO awesome! Its really great, we sat in this mini-theatre place and watched the students act out different scenes from plays and movies for 4 hours. Alot of them were really good.

(Note 2 Ang:) One of the scenes was from the Secretary, you know the part where he spanks her?? :D

Anyways, it kinda made me want to be an actor. I'd probably suck! I think I'll just wait to see Sharon act and do one of her scenes. Exciting, exciting!!!