February 22, 2008


Anyways, I hardly have anything to say these days.
So I'm just going to post really sexy pictures every now and then.
Like this one.

I just want it to go a little lower.....

February 18, 2008


To all my fellow Lost Geeks out there;


February 7, 2008

Let it NOT snow....please?

I've never been a great fan of God, but desparate times call for desparate measures, even if it does mean making human sacrifices to a spagehtti monster!

I HATE SNOW!!!!!!!!
I gotta tell you, I used to love it. I can't believe it myself but I actually used to go out in the snow and make ice forts with my bare hands. yeah, that was like 2 years ago. BTW, we made those huge forts in our neighbor's driveway, and they never melted so our neighbors got really pissed.
All that to say, I hate snow.
Last year, not one flake fell and I was relativly happy, but this year? goddamnit, it's snowed nearly 3 times, heavily at that. And people everwhere are telling me that it's going to snow over the weekend.
I go to school in a skirt.....a short one!
I had English teaching today...yeah...I froze.

So God, if your real-excuse me for using the cliche- don't let it snow tomorrow the day after or for the rest of eternity if you dont mind.
I'll even honor you with a human sacrifice, wait while I try and capture joey or Ang......

that's settled.