July 16, 2007

Death cometh to meee (and my blog)

This blog is sooo dead. It's dying of internal bleeding. and Cancer. and every imaginable STD.

"But with the power invested in me (oh yeah, and the keys) any incurable STD can be curd! sorry, cured."

Key promise of the day! nyahahahaha! giggles giggles
But we're doing fine.
And to my ever consistant and only reader (Ang), don't expect alot more posts for a long time. Cuz nothing really happens around here.
Cheerios, and god bless.

oh yeah, And LEAVE COMMENTS!!!

July 3, 2007

once again, i'm leaving.

bye bye. dont know how long i'll be gone this time.
seems like Mj is really depressed though... eheheheheh

oh yeah, check this guy out.
he use to be so slick. daym