May 29, 2006

I'm so bored!

I'm posting all these uninteresting posts...I think I should post somehting useful! like maybe my wonderful Photography!!!! I've been fooling around with pictures at late, like now that mom has a camera I've been taking all these stupid pistures. And then I put them on my comuter and "fix" them on the wonderful most spectacular program called Adobe Photoshop.
Isn't Photoshop the best??? it's soo cool. like even if I don;t take good pictures, as long as I have my photoshop 8.0, I'll be okay. I mean, isn't it the smae for everyone? Like even Ambie. like she's artistic and all, but she just fixes all her pictures on the computer and they look even better.
Oh yes, and my dearest sister Ang fixes her pictures up as well. So does everyone else. Maybe nest week I'll ask someone for a clip drive and bring all the pictures up here.

Till nest week

Oh The Weather....

I hate rainy season. It's so depressing. And theres nothing to do on rainy days. Rainy dayz are always soo boring.

And now I will quote some of my latest Poetry to you. And By the way, its about the rain....ehem

Oh the rain the rain......

Juuuuuust Kiiidding!

Black Heads

When I went to the States I met my two older sisters that I haven't met in eons. Well one day while I was there, they decided to give me some surgury.....yeah, they popped all my black heads. Apperently it's this wierd obsession that they have. They actually ENJOYED popping all my black heads....funny isn't it?? And they did it to Ang as well, but she was "Rebelious" and screaming and Ang always is. And now for the meaning of this post.
I'VE CAUGHT THE BLACK HEAD POPPING OBSESSION DISEASE!!!! Now night, when the day is done, I pop all my black heads and do the weird pipple cream treatment. At least now I don't have anymore black heads. Thanks to my wonderful sisters, I am cured from the evil black heads. Thanks

May 21, 2006


We're Japan. Got back the day before yesterday at 2:30 in the after noon. Keren and Joey were there to greet us. On the way back in thr car I was feeling sooooo was worse than death...when we arrived at home I was too tired to do anything I just slept!
The next day was very uneventful, didn;t do anything, and I was very exausted.
I'm still getting over jettlag. Should be over soon though

May 7, 2006


I watched TROY!! and Oh My God it was sooooooooooo cool! I love it! It was just so cool! Oh it was soo cool! what else can I say??? I like Brad Pitt and the Hector guy! Yay! It's my most favorite movie!


Happy Birthday Joey! I know you wont be able to see this because you don't get online, and I'm sorry this is a little late. I love you soo much and I think that you are the best little brother that anyone could ever have. I'm sorry that I didn't call you on your birthday, I wold have, but i heard that you were going to the river so I didn't want to diturb you...then the nest day when I was trying to call you, I found out that I couldn't, sorry.
I'm so happy that your 11 now. Just one more year your going to be 12...yeah. It's weirs, when I look at you I think that you are so much older than you actually are. You act older too, but when I realise that your only 11 I'm always so shocked! Your such a big boy!
You knoe, I'm really really sorry for being to mean to you. When I'm mean to you I think about how your so mean to me and all this crap...but really, your not mean to me at all. I wish I could go back and undo all the bad things that I'v said and done... I wish I could be your most favorite older sister :D!!!! haha, I guess I just need to work on it.
I'm really happy that your leaning guitar, and getting good at it. You knoe when you were teachig me bass? I felt really stupid, there I was being taght by my younger brother that was only 10! ahhh, sorry that I'm a bad learner, I hardly remember anything you taught me(Except for the scale of course) wait wait...I remember it...uh,F,E,...damn, lost it. Anyways, unlike you I'm just not made for music, I'll try to learn, and then it'll just slip my mind. You're doing a great job at learning guitar and one day, you'll be famous and then you'll think back on your beloved older sister and you;kk be like....yeah, she was a great person....
I think i'll stop talking nonsense to you. Happy Birthday! I love you tonz! Hope you had a great birthday. I'll try to get you a birthdya present, but seriously, I don't knoe what you want. Anyways, I love you! If you never get to read this, I'll read it to you when I get back ok? I'll tell you all about Wordstock.

May 4, 2006

These are some pictures from a couple days ago. Will be posting more later!
Dig in!!! me and Sharon were the die hards! After eating a huge plate of food, we were the only ones able to eat the cake!
Yes, look at my beatiful photography! This is at Huntington Beach...the sand was really nice
Yeah we're having fun!
I love Ice Cream how about you???? I think every one has got to love ice cream!